Acer palmatum ‘Peaches and Cream’

Wow! That was my expression when my four little Peaches and Cream Japanese maples started making leaves. In the fall I usually place an order for several thousand Japanese maples, always looking for varieties that I don’t have. The trees are usually delivered in March, completely dormant. I unpack them and store them in an under ground bunker until it’s time to plant in the spring. Come spring we start planting while the trees are still dormant, so it’s really exciting when they start making leaves because you never know what to expect.
Wanted! People Who Would Like to Get Paid for Growing
Small Plants at Home Click here.

When I saw the leaves on those Peaches and Cream I was like a kid in the candy store. Since I only had four I actually dug them up right after planting and took them home and planted them in my little Japanese maple garden at home. Then this fall I ordered an additional 50 Peaches and Cream!
There are so many incredibly beautiful Japanese maples that it’s really hard to pick a favorite. They are all favorites for different reasons. But Peaches and Cream is definitely one that I will be keeping a close eye on.

I am posting these pictures early in the year 2012 and I wish I had taken better photos, earlier in the year. But these photos do show off the variegation pattern in the leaves and some of the coloring. But I took these photos late in the year and by then the leaves had been stressed on these young trees.
But I still remember that beautiful Peachy Cream color the leaves had early in the spring and I promise to post some updated photos here as soon as I get them.
Peaches and Cream is hardy in zones 5 -8 and seldom gets over 7′ tall or wide which really makes it a special little tree. Plant in well drained soil.

Wanted! People Who Would Like to Get Paid for Growing
Small Plants at Home Click here.
Hello Mike,
I am really thinking hard about your program.
I would love to be able to speak to you about
it. I live in the Nashville, Tn area. There are several established retail growers in my area and want to know how i can make this work in my area. They call me the
“plant whisperer” so i know i won’t have a problem growing them. Do you have a # I can
call you?
I don’t do telephones. Seriously, I don’t, couldn’t possibly take phone calls, that’s why I sell this system the way I do. The system comes with a money back guarantee. Don’t be concerned with competiion. You have none. They cannot compete with you. They have overhead expenses yours will be so little they don’t matter. For $37 how can you go wrong?
Briggette, I can attest to Mikes program and the value of it. It still amazes me that he charges so little for it for such valuable resources he provides.. top notch, you cannot get this anywhere for that price.
Robert, thank you for your kind words! Are you coming back to Ohio? Still in Florida?
Let me just say this.
I had 11 buyers in two weeks on the internet that adds up to almost $800 profit from a single plant type that I propagated in my own backyard.
I did those sales without even trying other than posting two free Ads online. I didn’t pay a penny for advertising.
My problem now is, I’m selling plants faster than I can root the new cuttings.
You’ve discovered what I’ve known for a long time. People love plants and they’ll buy them any time they get the chance.
Do you know of any of your growers that have maples for sale and are willing to ship. I have over 60 Bonsai and have successfully kept different maples.
When my product was 100% digital deliver it was $37.00. But now that we’ve added two DVDs and and printed book the price has changed.
mike thank you for everything you have helped with and all the time you take .what information i have gotten thru your websit has help so good that the check is in the mail . mike we threw our six pack of pepsi away last week . thanks from our gang
I’m happy to have you aboard!
I’m new to Japanese Maples so this might be a very stupid question but in the last few pictures of this beautiful tree what are the little brown holes everywhere on the leaves?
Hi Mike,
My wife and I are in the process of relocating from central Canada (zone 2) to Cuenca, Ecuador where the climate is constant year-round. In the morning the temperature is 50°F and in the afternoon it is 68°F. The days are 12 hours long. In our area the soil is a very heavy clay. Will Japanese maples grow in that climate or do they need seasonal variations?
Dear Mike , I was wondering if you knew which varieties of Japanese Maple grow true from seed . ( keeping all the characturistic qualities of the parent . )
The truth is, the only Japanese maples that are going to come true from seed are the most basic Japanese maples of them all. You can get green maples from seed and you can get Red Japanese maples if you collect seeds from a tree with good red color. Beyond that, most will not have the characteristics of the parent plant. See this
I have a Japanese blood good tree planted on the north side of my home in Vacaville california. Really like the tree.
I’m interested in your program. Please send links in an email. I would love to grow these trees. Also, I have brothers in Colorado that may be interested.
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