Asahi Zuru Japanese Maple is a variegated variety. The one that we have in our landscape is a gift that one of my customers gave to my wife. Also known as ‘Randomly Variegated’, this beautiful tree has unique patterns of variegation with new growth often appearing pink and later turning almost white in color. The variegation truly is random. Some leaves are green, some pink, some white, others have blotches of pink or white, and still others just have flecks of color.
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The photo shown above was taken late in the summer after pruning, so most of the variegation is not obviously apparent. My wife and I have been pruning this tree for several years so as it matures it will have a desirable shape with a full head of foliage.

This photo from the same tree shows some of the creamy pink leaves.

This photo really shows off the variegation within the leaves and the contrast against the solid, but light colored green leaves.
What is the fall color?
More of the same predominant colors and a great deal of orange later in the season.