Michael J. McGroarty
Perry, Ohio 44081 Copyright 2011
The first time I saw Goshiki Shidare I was in love! I became so enthralled with this amazing Japanese maple that I now have three of them in my landscape. Not my nursery, in my landscape! Why? Because even though all three of them are Goshiki Shidare, which is part of the dissectum family of Japanese maples, they are all different. One of them is shorter than the other two, which really doesn’t matter, but having varying heights just adds more interest to the landscape.
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But the amazing part is that the foliage on each tree is different. Goshiki Shidare is a variegated Japanese maple, so the foliage throughout the tree varies considerably. When they are grafted the scions are collected from all over the tree and apparently, since the variegation varies from branch to branch on the tree, some of those variations stay with each scion that is collected. That makes each offspring slightly different than the others.
As you’ll see in the photos on this page these trees change color throughout the growing season. One of mine has a bronze cast to it in the fall, one is almost pink in color in the early spring and the other has an inordinate amount of white in the variegated leaves which makes it quite striking.

Wanted! People Who Would Like to Get Paid for Growing
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Hello Mike, do you sell these tree here online? and How much is this one? shipping and all. I live in Arkansas next to Ok. middle way down. If you do not sell these could you please tell me where I could get one of these. they are so pretty. thanks Beverly